return is among thee!!!!

hello. i took a sort of break from blogging... i'm sorry to those of you who expect daily updates and thoughts and my craziness. i didn't mean to fall off the band wagon but once school was over, i felt like i needed to take some time and just relax. unfortunately - i've been working a lot and doing a lot of stuff, so resting has not really been something i have had the pleasure of partaking in. but that is okay - i guess i can relax when i'm dead, right? haha.

anyway - life has been busy, as i just said. i'm going to be taking a summer course this summer. good ol' communications. i don't know what to think about it - i have to find the book online for cheaper than they are selling it for at my school. its a 6 week class, i've never taken an accelerated class, so i hope i can keep up with the work load. i meet with my academic advisor tomorrow and hopefully will be put straight on all the stuff i need to do for the degree i'm going for. i'm going to go for early childhood education... that way i will have something i'm able to truly do when we move back to hong kong. as much as we want to go to hong kong right now, i know that we cannot just rush off and do that. i don't want to be sitting around bored while bud is working. (i know i know, there is no way i'd be bored... its hong kong.) in reality, i don't want to stay at home all the time. the only thing that would keep me from wanting to work is if i do indeed get pregnant and have a baby. then and only then, i would love to be a stay at home mom because i think above all, the best thing i could do is be a mother to my children and not someone who goes to work. that is not a put down to those women who do go out and work. if you like it, go for it. but i would prefer to stay home. but thats neither here nor there as i'm not able to be a stay at home wife (which is fine), i'm not pregnant so i cannot be a stay at home mom. so yeah...

oh and just as an fyi - i got a 100.6% in my english class and a b in my history class. yeah, thats right. i rocked it.

bud is at work and is having a blah day. i hope he starts to feel better. :(

i am missing a certain friend right now... a lot actually. she and i don't talk much and when we do its like we never left each other. oh my dear ambee... i miss you so much and wish you were here.

i guess thats all i have to say for now. i know i know, not a very interesting post. but i hope to get back into the swing of things and let my creative juices run freely again! love to you all. thanks for sticking around!

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