tasty tuesday treats!

today was a blur. cleaned a lot and its like you can't even tell. my kitchen is a wreck. ugh. anywho - thats not what today is about. today is tasty tuesday treats day! huzzah! today i bring to your attention:

italian bbq chicken
barbecue sauce (i use jack daniels original)
italian dressing (i use low fat kraft or whatever is on sale)
chicken breast - boneless/skinless

you'll also want a grill (or you can bake it too at 350 for 1 hour)

- the night before - marinate chicken in italian dressing. if you can't marinate the night before, 1-2 hours before cooking would be ideal
- heat grill to medium heat (or if you have a foreman grill, just turn it on and let it warm up)
- make sure grill is greased with cooking spray
- gloss chicken with bbq sauce and place on grill
- when chicken will release from the grill, flip it and baste with a little more bbq sauce. continue this process until internal temperature of chicken is between 160-175 (try not to dry it out!)

serve with rice, grilled veggies, sweet potatoes, salad, or corn on the cob. you choose! it should look like this:

this is not EXACTLY the same thing... but its close. 

i bet you could also substitute chicken with tofu. not sure how long you'd marinate the tofu... or if you could. i'm not very good at cooking tofu. i'd like to get better at some point though.


anyway - bud was home sick today. boo. i registered for fall classes. yay! i have a lot on my mind. boo. julie and johnny are coming to visit soon. yay! i wish i could go to california to visit friends with bud. boo. but i'm going to see josh groban in july. yay!

okay - i realize how lame that was so i'm going to pretend i never wrote like that. =D bud and i have been watching a lot of grey's anatomy. we're almost to season 7. its so ridiculously good... oh man. oh and tomorrow i am taking the boys to visit becky, brody, sara, allie, and ariel. fun fun fun. i hope all goes smoothly. =D now i'm going to get off here. hoping to get back into the swing of things and blog more. i am also trying to get my arse back to the gym... it needs to happen. well... that is all. goodnight - and big balls.

return is among thee!!!!

hello. i took a sort of break from blogging... i'm sorry to those of you who expect daily updates and thoughts and my craziness. i didn't mean to fall off the band wagon but once school was over, i felt like i needed to take some time and just relax. unfortunately - i've been working a lot and doing a lot of stuff, so resting has not really been something i have had the pleasure of partaking in. but that is okay - i guess i can relax when i'm dead, right? haha.

anyway - life has been busy, as i just said. i'm going to be taking a summer course this summer. good ol' communications. i don't know what to think about it - i have to find the book online for cheaper than they are selling it for at my school. its a 6 week class, i've never taken an accelerated class, so i hope i can keep up with the work load. i meet with my academic advisor tomorrow and hopefully will be put straight on all the stuff i need to do for the degree i'm going for. i'm going to go for early childhood education... that way i will have something i'm able to truly do when we move back to hong kong. as much as we want to go to hong kong right now, i know that we cannot just rush off and do that. i don't want to be sitting around bored while bud is working. (i know i know, there is no way i'd be bored... its hong kong.) in reality, i don't want to stay at home all the time. the only thing that would keep me from wanting to work is if i do indeed get pregnant and have a baby. then and only then, i would love to be a stay at home mom because i think above all, the best thing i could do is be a mother to my children and not someone who goes to work. that is not a put down to those women who do go out and work. if you like it, go for it. but i would prefer to stay home. but thats neither here nor there as i'm not able to be a stay at home wife (which is fine), i'm not pregnant so i cannot be a stay at home mom. so yeah...

oh and just as an fyi - i got a 100.6% in my english class and a b in my history class. yeah, thats right. i rocked it.

bud is at work and is having a blah day. i hope he starts to feel better. :(

i am missing a certain friend right now... a lot actually. she and i don't talk much and when we do its like we never left each other. oh my dear ambee... i miss you so much and wish you were here.

i guess thats all i have to say for now. i know i know, not a very interesting post. but i hope to get back into the swing of things and let my creative juices run freely again! love to you all. thanks for sticking around!

i'm not dead

i haven't fallen off the face of the planet... i've been insanely busy as of late. school just ended and i'm trying to take a breather... so bare with me. =D love to you all. <3

learning to be a better wife...

****forewarning - this will most likely be kind of lengthy... i have a lot to say as i'm learning a lot right now.****

yesterday we became members of the orthodox presbyterian church, specifically trinity reform presbyterian church. we said our vows together as a couple, in front of our church body and the elders of the church. it was such a blessing. honestly, it may sound kind of hokey, but it was such a big step. bud and i have been members of one church since we've been together - crossweave. bud was involved with this church plant and both, he and i, served there for 2.5 years in different ways. bud preached once a month, i sang on the worship team and helped out with children's ministry, as well as organizing women's ministry things from time to time. while i love them and they will always be my family, i truly believe the step that we made by joining the OPC was the absolute best move for us. we have a new church family and accountability that is backed by a denomination. the vows we took reminded me of the vows i took with my husband 4 years ago...

vows are solemn promises to do what you say you're going to do. the vows we took before the church to become members were vows to live a Godly life, to submit to church authority, and we were to acknowledge that God's word is 100% inerrant, that the Gospel is true and alive and should be apparent in our lives. ever since we said yes to these vows, i am reminded of the vows i made with my husband and have been convicted of my own life. while i do pray and read the word, while God's love is evident in my life, it is no where near where it could be. there is a change that is growing inside of me, one that is attaching itself to every aspect of my life. but currently, the biggest area of my life that i think i need true growth is within my marriage. when we took our vows 4 years ago to become man and wife, we vowed to love one another, comfort one another, honor and keep one another - in sickness and in health, in rich or poor, and forsaking all others till death do us part. this is the perfect example of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and i don't want to allow anyone to see fault in the Gospel because of the way that i live within my marriage (and life in general).

while going through the book "feminine appeal - seven virtues of a Godly wife and mother", i've been thoroughly convicted, and i'm only on the second chapter! the book is based around the scriptures found in titus 2. this is the section:

older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. they are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled. - titus 2:3-5

the more i read this passage, the more i realize that its the standard set before me and the direction i should be headed within my marriage. bud and i have been together almost 10 years, however marriage is a lot different from dating/being engaged. in all the right ways but also in a lot of ways that, if your not focused on the correct things, can be scary and be cause for concern. marriage should not be taken lightly, that is for sure. and my heart's desire is to grow and nurture the love and commitment i have for and with my husband. not just for selfish reasons, but because that is the call on my life. thats what i signed up for when i got married. its what i agreed to, its what i vowed to do. 

when people talk about the relationship between a husband and wife, within a church body, you will hear that it is the perfect example of Christ's relationship with his bride (the church). and i'm learning that its so much more than just an example of his relationship... i'm seeing that it is an example of the Gospel. the love, respect, commitment, and care we show to one another reflects to the world of what God is doing in our lives together as a couple. "our conduct has a direct influence on how people think about the Gospel. the world doesn't judge us by our theology; the world judges us by our behavior. people don't necessarily want to know what we believe about the Bible. they want to see if what we believe makes a difference in our lives. our actions either bring honor to God or misrepresent His truth" (feminine appeal). when i read that, it was a slap in the face. because the way that i portray my husband, the way that i treat my husband, the way that i treat my relationship with my husband - reflects back on to what it is i say i believe in. what an awful way to reflect negatively on the Gospel. granted, the Gospel stands alone and does not need improving, enhancing, or help in anyway. it can't be improved as it is perfection in all senses of the word. however, "we can present the Gospel as attractive, impressive, and pleasing to a watching world." i don't want to be the person that gives someone the chance to speak evil about Christ or Christians. 

so, how do i own up to such a calling? how do i own up to the calling of being "a wife"? i need to go back to delighting in loving my husband. this is the first of the seven virtues spoken about in carolyn mahaney's book. i always thought that the love i am supposed to have for my husband is the "agape" love, or sacrificial love. but what i learned is that the type of love women are told to show and give to their husbands is "phileo", or tender, affectionate, and passionate. i found it interesting to learn that "in commands specifically related to wives, agape is never used." that doesn't mean that i am off the hook and that i don't have to shower my husband with sacrificial love... the bible does command us to love our neighbor as ourselves and well... lets face it. our husbands live with us... can't get a closer neighbor. women are commanded to "phileo" and its men that are instructed to "agape". carolyn mahaney hit the nail on the head and i was truly convicted when she gave an example of how, many women can love their husbands sacrificially while the entire time, truly see him as a "jerk". women are good at cleaning, cooking, taking care of things for their husbands. but to get that phileo... takes the grace and mercy of the Lord to help.

while i don't see my husband as a jerk, i do have times where i love him in the sense that i will cook for him, clean for him, take care of things for him - however, i don't really feel that tender, affectionate and passionate love that i should have for him. its as though, well, like i've said before, the heat or romance is gone. "this command to phileo does not include a contingency clause... we are to love our husbands with a tender, affectionate love regardless of their response... its an unconditional love." just wow. i'm not done yet... she goes on to say that if your love for your husband has faded, the question is not: should i stay in this marriage? the question you should be asking is "how can i, as a wife, bring honor to the gospel?" the answer is... look at the circumstance in light of the cross, where God sacrificed His only son. i need to look at my struggles within my marriage in light of the cross. and i need the Lord to help me when i'm feeling lost and dismissed, when i'm feeling neglected or jealous. God's mercy and grace are there... i need to pour my heart out to Him, who is able to grant me grace and mercy for true understanding and for the ability to phileo my husband.

no, i'm not done. sorry - i warned you this would be long...

continuing on the thought that the "romance" is gone, the "lovey dovey" feelings and "passion" is gone... i am now seeing that the passion and "love" has been destroyed by sin. i have been needing to look at my own heart. "where sin is present, warm affection dissipates. anger, bitterness, criticism, pride, selfishness, fear, laziness - all vigorously oppose tender love. this cannot survive in a heart that harbors sin." i am learning that i need to read one of jonathan edwards' resolutions, pretty much on a daily basis... "resolved, whenever my feelings begin to appear in the least out of order, when i am conscious of the least uneasiness within, or the least irregularity without, i will then subject myself to the strictest examination." i need to take care of the speck in my own eye before i go blaming my marriage issues on my husband, i need to check myself and become truly aware of my own sin first, before going to my husband to discuss issues. "the more we understand the sin in our hearts, the more we appreciate the patience and mercy of God; and this, in turn, produces an attitude of humility and mercy toward our husbands". i need to remember that bud is a wretched sinner, just as i am, and let that strip me of any intolerant, critical, or demanding attitude. now, don't get me wrong. i'm not excusing my husband from his wrongs, his sins, his downfalls. but when i first seek out my own sin and repent of it, i will then have a heart of humility when i go to my husband... wow. (owned.)

i need to go back to the things that i was first drawn to when i met bud and when i first realized that i loved him. when i am feeling those awful feelings that no wife wants to feel, i think that before i go to him and tell him how i feel... i need to remind myself of his many wonderful qualities. my thoughts need to be tender. i need to keep my heart focused on tender thoughts and actions rather than being critical and basically blasting him for "making me feel" these things. as shirley rice writes... "how long has it been since your heart really squeezed when you looked at him?...your husband needs to be told that you love him, that he is attractive to you. by the grace of God, i want you to start changing your thought pattern. tomorrow morning, get your eyes off the toaster or the baby bottles long enough to look at him... look at his hands. do you remember when just to look at his strong hands made your heart lift? well look at him and remember. then loose your tounge and tell him you love him." i need to ask the Lord to give me a sentimental, romantic, physical, in-love kind of love for my husband... and i hope to do this every day for now on...

along with tender thoughts, i need to have tender behavior. i can come across as a nag and i can come across strong as if things have to be fixed right away and if they're not then life is going to come to an end. i can be dramatic. i know this. (i'm sorry, baby.) i need to prize and cherish my husband... not just quietly but actively. it is no shock to anyone that i want a child so badly that it hurts. my heart yearns for a child. and i learned today that... while that is a great desire and its okay to have that desire... i need to prize my husband above the children that i so desperately desire. after our relationship with God, our relationship with our husband is to be our highest priority. i need God's grace to truly believe that my husband is enough to fill my heart with... and if children do not come, i am and will be okay. that my heart, first and foremost, belongs to God and then, as a distant second, belongs to bud. i was created to be my husband's helper, not my children's mother. that is probably the hardest lesson that i have learned from this book so far. that doesn't mean i won't nurture any child that God blesses us with, but my love is first and foremost to help my husband. and that will be the biblical model to my children, if God chooses to bless us with them. 

lastly, as this blog is probably like 5000 words long already, i need to cherish and enjoy my husband. to cherish is to hold dear, care for tenderly, to nurture, to cling fondly to, to treat as precious. i wonder what my husband would say if i were to ask him: "what is one way i cherish you?" i hope he would have an answer... i hope he would have more than one. but i am flawed and if he doesn't feel cherished, i'm doing something wrong and it needs to change. the last thing is to enjoy my husband, which is to prefer his company about all others, find genuine pleasure in serving him, and take an interest in what he enjoys. ohhh... youtube. i love you.. but sometimes you and i are enemies and truly do compete for my husbands attention. but i hope to not nag my husband to not spend so much time on youtube (or computer in general) anymore. i will continue to enjoy things on the computer and youtube... and try not to knock his interest in it. God give me grace in this area... i fail at it often. please give us bud and i a love that lasts, lavish us with your grace. help me Lord to love my husband more and more with each passing year.

sorry that this is so long. there will probably be a few more long entries as i go through this book. i truly recommend it to any women who is married or thinking of getting married or who are curious about marriage. it has already been a huge blessing to me. i'd tell you what i did today, but it was pretty standard. work was great, got a lot done (taxes for school, cooked chicken adobo for dinner, wrote out this blog), and now i'm going to go to bed. its late and i have a long day ahead tomorrow. working from 7:15am to 5 for dan and sarah and then from 6ish to whenever for rhonda and richard. so i'll be super tired... give me great rest Lord. <3 goodnight to you all. here is a picture of me and my husband... just thought i'd show you another one...

i love you, baby. so much more than i did yesterday and hopefully not as much as i will tomorrow. i pray that God will continue to grow our love and will help me to be the wife that God has called me to be and that you deserve. i love you, most ardently. you're my favorite. oxxoxo

updates are difficult this week...

another busy week ahead but i am tired and going to bed now. sorry. <3

green chopsticks in fanling, n.t., hong kong

homework and movies.

today i did homework all day. spent about 2 hours on the phone with my bff ambee! oh how i miss her. bud got home from work and we went out to applebees for dinner. came home. watched easy a. then watched dead alive. now i'm writing this.

interested? i must apologize for this being such a lame update. i'm so tired and i need to get to bed. tomorrow we become members of our church. aside from crossweave in california, i've never been an actual member of a church! :) especially one that is backed by an actual denomination and has such deep rooted history. i'm very excited to take this next step alongside my husband. it is goood goooood stuff. :)

until tomorrow - i'll talk to you soon. love to you all! <3

i love this man. i love his face. i love his heart and the passions he has. i love watching him do things he is talented at, i love watching him create. i love watching him laugh and enjoy life. i love just looking at him, even when he doesn't know i'm watching. he is a lovely and beautiful person. i count myself blessed to be his wife and to see how God continuously shows and grows my love for him more and more each day. i love and cherish him. <3

take me ouuuut tonight!

i went out tonight with becky and mike. i never go out... so go me for going out. huzzah. we went to applebees for drinks and it was a good time. lots of fun and jokes were made. =D i love hanging out with them. we stayed till way too late (meaning till 2am... well past 2am.) i just got home and its 2:48... i got home like 20 minutes ago. i am really tired. i've been going since 6am and i am super tired. after work i had dinner with my brother and then came home, walked the dog, cleaned up her doo doo (she was home alone too long apparently) and then started on my homework. i got 2 essays done and checked in on my english tonight. i have 2 more essays and a paper to write by sunday for my history class and then i need to get going on my english final. but then i'm done for this semester and i will have one full semester done of junior college. awesome. anyway - i am too tired to continue so i'm going to go. goodnight. love to you all! <3

look how short monster truck's fur was! and look at my catty! aww... the babies! (this is in hong kong)

three things thursday.

sometimes its so easy for me to pick three things to talk about and other times its really difficult. its not that i don't love things or people or have a fondness for a great many things. on the contrary, i have love and care for so many things that i have no idea where to start on some days. and some things mean more to me than others and i feel like they should be mentioned first... or sooner. but then i realize its not a list of things i love in order - its just what i love. okay so today's three things were easy and i'll get to it right now.

three things tuesday, lets get it on!

i love my best friend of 21+ years - katherine emery morrow.
its not all the time you get to say you've had a best friend since you were 5 and that you still hang out!
kate and i at her "bachelorette" party.

kate and i, in high school... there's a funny story behind this picture.

kate and i, high school again... oh man. 

i love the cosby show!
this is me! sitting on the steps of the "house" of the huxtable family!

good ole cliff and claire! love their relationship!

oh man! :) what a great show!

i love sleeping!
asleep on the kcr in hong kong!

asleep again... on the kcr. its kind of what you do...

asleep the day after we got to hong kong the first time. yes... i sleep with my eyes open on occasion...

so there you have it. :) i am sorry i've been missing days of writing. i know this is supposed to be a daily blog but i've been failing. i don't want to promise but i will try to keep going! today i had a 1/4 of a day of work. carter got tubes removed from his ears... he did well! hooray! so i went to work to watch the baby for a few hours and then came home. i was supposed to do homework but i ended up watching the cosby show all day... i think i kind of needed a day where i just vegged. and now i'm going to go to bed. community tonight was epic... can't wait for next week's epic finale of the paintball wars! oh man. so good. that is all i suppose. gooooooodnight. love to you all!

tasty tuesday treats!

a tasty treat, a tasty treat - how i love tasty treats! even for my puppers! here is a tasty treat for your four legged barking friends! (but really, i bet they taste good enough to eat by us humans!)

Peanut Butter Puppy Treats
1 egg
1/3 cup crunchy peanut butter
1 overly ripe banana, mashed
2 tablespoon honey
1 cup old fashioned oats
1/2 cup wheat germ (or a 1/2 cup flour)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicon baking mat.

Stir together egg, peanut butter, banana, and honey in a medium bowl; blend thoroughly. Stir in the oats and wheat germ; mix well.

Roll dough into 1 1/2 inch balls and place on prepared baking sheet. Bake for 15 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from oven and immediately smash cookie into a disk with the bottom of a glass. Cool on a wire rack.

when you're done, it should look like this:


these will be the meal of choice on july 4th as we celebrate monster truck's 5th birthday! huzzah!

so today was a short day at work, i went to the post office afterwards and then came straight home. i am so exhausted. not that any of my male readers (do i have any male readers?) want to know, but my cycle came on its on, meaning not by the help of progesterone! it is kind of encouraging. now if only i could stop being so dang tired and start working out. i am so tired because of my cycle though. booo! oh well... i really need to step up my work out game. and i think i will start with taking walks with my nephews... it will be fun.

lets see... anything interesting to talk about today? no not really. my nephews are wonderful and awesome. tomorrow i get to watch brody and that will excite carter! other than that, i think i'm going to start reading my new book and go to bed early. goodnight. love to you all.

to be a wife.

being a wife is an interesting role to fill. i am about to start reading a book called feminine appeal - seven virtues of a Godly wife and mother by carolyn mahaney. marriage is something you must constantly nurture and tend too, if left to fend for itself it will go sour, much like a glass of milk left out overnight. the grace of God has kept bud and i through many trials and many hardships. he has kept us through boring times and exciting times. he keeps us now - while we're both working, doing school, trying to figure out our next steps for the future... its all very tedious. but God still provides, he still pulls us through.

the book i'm going to read will hopefully help me to love my husband more. help teach me to be more encouraging and a more loving wife. to a virtuous proverbs 31 woman. to help point me to scripture that will not only help me but convict me of my shortcomings to that i can be the wife that God has instructed me to be, the wife that bud deserves. i fall short often. i can be down right mean at times. spiteful. definitely not slow to anger on certain days. i tend to get frustrated easily and take it out on bud. i'm a wretched person. and that is why i'm asking God to help me to become a better person, to become a better wife. to love him and show him love, even when i don't think he deserves it. to cherish him and to show him that i cherish him, even when it is i who needs to feel the warmth of being cherished. to hold him and bring him close to me, even when we are feeling distant. i need to be killing sin, repenting, seeking first the kingdom of God on a daily basis and not leaving things till they all boil into one big steaming kettle who is on the brink of screaming...

God is my rock and my salvation, in whom i place my trust and find my hope. it is through Him and His grace that i am saved, that i am able to have the husband that i have. it is my prayer that i will become a better wife. that i will be a blessing and a helpmate to bud. that i will bring him up when he is down, to push him towards the things of God when he is doubting, to trust in his leadership and to encourage him to lead as Christ leads. i don't want to be a nag or a troublesome woman. i want to be the woman God has instructed me to be. the role of a wife is nothing to be taken lightly and i am not going to do that anymore. i love my husband. and moreso, i love my God and what He has done for me. i'm hopeful that God is going to do many great things as i venture to be a better wife and trust that God will lead me to not only be that Godly wife but that i will continue to draw close to him and draw ever near to Him. amen.


sorry that was on my mind and i needed to get it out. i posted pictures of our nyc trip on facebook. check 'em out if you're my friend on facebook. if not, let me know and maybe i can put them up on a more public site! :) today was fun. spent the day with my boys again. all three of us were pretty tired so it was kind of a slow day. but after afternoon naps, carter and i played frisby outside for about a half hour until dan and sarah got home. the baby was fun today too. he just watched us as we played! :) it was cute. i truly do love my boys... oh my nephews how i love thee. i love all my nieces and nephews. <3

anyway - i'm going to bed. its 10:36 and i went to bed past midnight last night. the news of osama bin laden happened right as i was getting ready for bed and then i stayed up to watch president obama's speech regarding everything. it was a good speech. i have a lot of thoughts on the situation but i don't think i'll talk about it right now. this is already long and preachy. haha, so until later ya'll! goodnight.

this does my heart good!

new york city! get a rope!

so we are back from our weekend in nyc. we loved it. it was such a good time to get away, have some fun and see something new and exciting. unfortunately - my feet are not as happy about the trip as i am. while i am so happy to have my saucony's - i just wish i had thought to order them at least a week before the trip so that my feet would get acclimated to the new shoes and the new shoes would be broken in by the time we decided to walk for miles on end! we walked pretty much ALL of NYC in one day. and the next day - what did we do? we walked about half of it. then stood for 3ish hours at a concert... yeeeeeah. it was insane. but so much fun.

we got to new jersey and to our friend jackie's house - where we were staying - in pretty good time, woke up a little late and had some stuff to deal with from back home. sadly - i failed at taking care of a few things and those few things blew up. :( but at least it got worked out and i THINK everything is okay. so after all that was dealt with, we finally headed to nyc. new jersey is awful to drive around. the scenery was fun but the drivers and the roads just sucked. if you don't know where you're going, expect to miss turns and then don't expect to be able to just make a u-turn and correct the mistake. it was pretty ridiculous how many times we missed a turn because the signs are just SO small and confusing. but regardless... we made it to the elizabeth station where we hopped on a train that took us into penn station NYC. it was literally like walking into hong kong. and when we got into the city from the train station... the first thing i thought of was "these taxi cabs should be red and green and then i'd be in hong kong and super happy." don't worry - i didn't pine for hong kong the entire time. think about it? yes. pine for it and have a miserable time because i wasn't IN hong kong? no. :)

so we started walking. we walked from penn station, passed time square and walked all the way to central park. but in between there we checked out some prices on tickets to see a few broadway plays. a little too pricey for me to justify not being able to see the entire stage, so we opted out for this trip. maybe another time. but we walked and walked. had a hot dog from sabbra's and sadly we were really disappointed. but we continues on... got some pizza at ray's. it was really yummy! so big! hehe. so after we ate, we kept walking. the walk from penn station to central park is about a mile and a half... give or take. we sat in central park for a little bit and then realized we were close to the store that inspired "duncan's toy chest" in home alone 2 and the plaza hotel from home alone 2. we visited both (they are across the street from each other) the plaza hotel was so intimidating. we are poor folk and the plaza hotel is a super expensive hotel! ahaha. so we went in, snagged a few pictures, walked in the lobby and then came back out. we weren't sure if tourists who were not staying at the hotel were allowed to visit. so i got to visit that. such a fun little thing to do! (oh forgot to mention we saw the naked cowboy dancing with his guitar! epic... okay not really but we still saw him. didn't talk to him but saw him.)

then we walked from there to the train station to take the train to china town for dinner. we had ajisen ramen! it was LOVELY!!!! when we were in china town... i heard so much cantonese that i, no joke, forgot i was in the united states for a little while. it was amazing. i felt like i was home in hong kong and just in a different area that i had not yet visited. (there are plenty of those places!) oh man it was fun! we walked around china town for a little while and then decided to call it quits. it was around 9:30 by then. we finally got back to our car and unfortunately... we had another crappy time driving around jersey trying to get back to our friends house. boo! but nonetheless - we made it home and i pretty much fell asleep on impact of the lovely bed i was sleeping in. :) bud stayed up late and made a game plan for saturday's trip into the city.

on saturday - we got up late... (well we wanted to get up at 8 and leave at 8:30... didn't happen. woke up at 9 and left at 9:30). so we went to staten island to ride the ferry from jersey to nyc. it was nice because the ferry takes you right by lady liberty and its a lovely ride too. very reminiscent of hong kong's star ferry, however this ferry was much bigger, slower, and had a much greater distance to travel. it was fun. oh did i mention that the weather for both days was absolutely perfect??? so yeeeeah. we got to nyc and headed directly to the cosby show house! it was so wonderful being there... i just wish i could shake the hand of mr. bill cosby... such an inspiriation and seems like such an amazing man. truly. so after a bit of hanging out there, pictures and such, we headed to mesa grill. but sadly - we didn't think about the fact that it had a dress code. we were dressed like your average tourist... t-shirt/jeans. its a business casual place so we missed out on going there. i was really bummed. but oh well... next time.

stopped at nathan's and had food and then went to the empire state building. that was fun. amazing how fast the elevator takes you up! glad my ears didn't pop. the weather was so good... we saw so far it was incredible. i love being that high up. it was like we were on top of the world! honestly. i know... how cheesy. but it was the truth! :) after that, we headed down and caught the ferry back to staten island. we cut our NYC part of the trip short and headed to baltimore to see the digitour at sonar in baltimore. it was a lot of fun. i just wish i wasn't in so much pain due to walking so much (lets face it i'm out of shape) and from walking funky due to the blisters on my feet... ugh. anyway - i still had fun and the gregory brothers were so much fun to watch! headed home afterwards, got our chicken nuggets for our anniversary ritual, caught up on community and enjoyed each other's company. we love each other. even if times get crazy, we love each other. happy anniversary, bud!

today we woke up late, i watched like half a season of the cosby show and bud went grocery shopping and returned something to justin and got my keys back from him. thank you again, justin for watching our aminals! they mean so much to us and we are thankful that you could take care of them. :) <3 and if you read this... jackie - thank you so much for letting us use your house while we were up there! you are amazing and truly a gem! we love you.

well... i guess thats all. it is now 10pm and i need to go to sleep. i'm super sleepy, still a bit sore and i need to get to bed. love to you all! <3 goodnight. here is my favorite picture from our trip!

a bajillion stories in the air! <3