put them together and what have you got? bibidi boppity boo.

hello my friends. i'm going to attempt to keep this short as i'm tired and need to get to sleep. i didn't sleep well last night at all and then bud and i had a 15 minute conversation at 4am. oh if you think of it, send bud messages on facebook or what have you and tell him to go to bed earlier~!!! so okay, today was full of stuff but first let me say, apparently this week we skipped spring and went straight to summer. it was 92 degrees apparently. that makes sense since the house i work at was 83 inside and we had the windows opened with a breeze coming in. i LOVE hot humid summer weather (i love hk weather! i know weird) but i want to have some spring time first. we'll see if it stays hot. as of right now, our windows are open and theres a cool breeze but its not cold in the slightest. anyway. on to my day and whats been on my mind.

today i read a few facebook statuses from one of my friends, bryan kemper. he is a remarkable man who is a pro-life activist, stands up for chastity and living lives surrendered to the Lord and more. he started the organization/ministry Stand True Ministries and if you haven't heard of them, i suggest you look into them. they are an awesome, pro-life group who love people no matter the age, size, sex, religion, etc. anyway, he posted 2 separate status updates that caught my attention. one was about how a woman was escorted out of a old town buffet restaurant because she was breastfeeding her child. the law in the state where this happened states that breastfeeding is not considered indecent exposure. i would encourage you to read the article, it can be found on bryan kempers website. here was my response to the article:

"I am hoping to become pregnant soon and plan to breastfeed my children. It’s the most natural, beautiful and healthiest option for my children and I will not deprave them of what they need. Simple nourishment. I will cover myself (to be agreeable in public situations, but also to add some privacy and intimacy to it (as I believe breastfeeding is such a bonding moment for mother and child) but I’m not going to remove myself and my child so i can nurse. It’s natural and beautiful. I plan to write and protest in favor of the mother who was doing no wrong.
Tell me this: how is something that is natural and not immodest be criminal but women and men can walk down the street wearing clothes or bikinis that barely cover their bodies and it be accepted. They aren’t doing anything but feeding lustful pleasures, but a woman breastfeeding is supplying her child with love and nourishment. Bah.

there have been 67 responses since mine and there are many people who agree with me. i can understand people get uncomfortable but what i don't understand is you can watch a movie or see people walk down the street wearing less and revealing more than what you would see while a child is nursing... why don't we get uncomfortable about that? its a double standard. the world is so over-sexed that many men see women's breasts as nothing more than something used for sexual purposes and when a child is suckling, its as if that child is invading their territory. i'm NOT IN THE SLIGHTEST a feminist. farthest from. i grew up with 3 older brothers and i guess you'd say i'm rough around the edges. but i do think that since society is being flashed sex ads everywhere, even without you thinking about it, that its unfair to say that breastfeeding is indecent. thats my opinion. will i be discreet when breastfeeding. yes, to the best of my abilities because i try my best to be agreeable in every situation. but will i go out of my way to pander to the demands of insecure people? no, i will not.

the other topic was about the gardisil vaccine, but i don't think i'll get into that on here right now. its already later than i had hoped to be up and this is already getting longer than i thought. that topic became a bit more heated anyway, so it deserves its on entry, or at least a bigger section of a entry devoted to it. so i'll digress.

the babies were fun today. bud came by and had lunch with us and that was fun. he played with the babies. i love watching him with children. he's going to be such a great daddy!!! when i got home, i made tuna for dinner and sat down and bud and i started watching jamie olivers food revolution. what an amazing show! i recommend it highly. find it on hulu.com. i hope what he does really truly starts a revolution and i already have been trying to do these kinds of changes in my own diet. its about the food we eat as a nation and how we are so overweight and that we are plaguing our children with health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, etc. at an earlier age because we're feeding them processed CRAP. i've been trying to eat healthier and i've seen a change. i've lost 25 pounds and i haven't even made that big of a change. i just don't eat out as much, i stopped drinking soda, i make sure to eat oatmeal every morning and i try not to eat too late. so i hope to hop it into a higher gear so that i can lose some more weight.

speaking of too late. its 10:48pm and i need to be asleep like a half hour ago. stayed up to watch LOST tonight. i'm going to be a blubbering baby when the last episode is on, i know it. i've invested 6 years into this show and i love it!!! i've ALWAYS loved it. never once have i been a naysayer. theres like 2 episodes i hate and thats it. anyway - tonights episode was awesome. desmond rules.

okay - i'm gonna go. i need sleep. time to lay down, pray and fall asleep. love you all. till next time... you put your right arm in, you put your right arm out, you put your right arm in and you shake it all about. you do the hokie pokie and you turn yourself around. thats what its all about. ciao.

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