teehee, the title of this blog is kind of true. before i recap my day - bud and i just finished the first season of the new doctor who (meaning from the 2000's) and i love it. sad to see christopher eccleston go but super stoked to start watching david tennant as the "new" doctor! a big shout out to souxie in hk for getting bud and myself to watch this show. it is so good.
the doctor and rose!
got to love that goofy smile! cracks me up every time.
so here is a recap of the day. i woke up late (i have today and tomorrow off from work, (its a very welcome break!) to a text message from becky asking me if i was at work. turns out we both had the day off, so we decided to get lunch! i am glad we did because she and i haven't really spent much time together lately and i miss her and brody like whoa! she works at the same coffee shop that bud does (she got him the job, essentially! go becky!!) so her schedule has been all over the place as of late. i understand because so has bud's. well anyway - we went to red robin. i'm very proud of myself, i only ate half my burger! thats a huge step for me. if i like what i'm eating, no matter how much is left, i will finish it. but today... i put half of it away and did not continue eating once i was full. i'm very excited that i took that step. but oh man the burger was good! red robin ftw!
so after that, we decided to head on into the mall and visit bud. it ended up with brody becoming the q chocolate and coffee model for the day! he is the cutest and i so love him.
yummy chocolate. (there is a funny story behind that chocolate on his face.)
brody is just hanging out at his mommy's work... being cute and stuff!
so we hung out there for a bit, took a brief gander at some ridiculous things at spencer's (getting bachelorette party ideas), and then we headed home. she went home and i went to the post office and then home. when i got home, i did a bit of homework (yea i know... thats all i do now...), cleaned the dishes, and relaxed on the couch until bud got home. when he got home, he relaxed on the couch (more like passed out instantly) and i made amazing chicken parmesan! it was so good, the chicken was cooked perfectly. it was almost too perfect bud said. we ate dinner and watched doctor who like i said and now we are here. i am mapping out my next round of homework and hoping to get a bunch of it done tomorrow. in between cleaning the house. i know i said i'd clean the house today but i think since i worked all weekend on homework, i deserved to have a day where i relaxed a bit.
bud works late tomorrow so he and i get to cuddle and relax together and that is exciting. last night, he got in bed and we talked for like an hour. he was such a chatterbox last night, and while i was exhausted and slowly falling asleep, i loved every minute of it. he and i don't talk like that enough, we really need to do that more, i miss it.
oh yeah, and tomorrow i'm going to start up on my slim in 6. cami and i are doing it together (even though she lives in kansas) and keeping each other accountable. silly me, i haven't started, but hopefully i'll get it together and slide it into my daily routine. its only like a 30 minute workout routine and focus on core and really toning. hopefully it works.
alas, i think that is all for now. thanks for reading. love you all!