smelled real honeysuckle for the first time in YEARS!

i love this time of year. the random 10 minute rain showers. the smell of rain and flowers mixed. the way the air will have a cooling effect right before it rains and after the humidity is there but heat has dissipated. i love it. i love maryland weather in the spring/summer. really - i think after having one season for 7 years, i gained a new appreciation. the cold was a bit hard to handle this winter, but i didn't mind it. i welcomed it! the snow was beautiful and the crisp clean air was so nice for my lungs. love it. huzzah.

tomorrow i hope to get to the grocery store and pick up some good food. i've been given a eating schedule by my personal trainer. yes, i have a personal trainer. i plan to use her as often as i can - but it does cost money sadly. so we'll have to budget that in, once in a while. but if i can get a good feel for what she wants me to do, where she thinks i'll get the optimal results - that will be great. anyway, like i was saying - she gave me an eating schedule and an idea of what i should and can be eating. she advised me to have my starches in the middle of the day (lunch) rather than at night. focus on proteins and steamed veg at night time. so i'm hoping to get into that habit. i need to eat more salads, get more veg in my house and not fry my food. we cook a lot of our chicken in the skillet because its usually faster than baking it, but i need to get it out of my mind that i have to cook things quickly all the time. i need to be more scheduled in my eating and weekly activities. i mean it makes sense. i have the babies i watch on a pretty strict sleep/eat schedule, why shouldn't i do the same for myself. i need the discipline. i need it so i can see results. *sigh*

losing weight is a pain in the tuckus. yes i just said tuckus. its so easy to gain the weight, even harder to lose it.

bud and i were going to go to the eastern shore today but were not feeling up to it. we just didn't feel that great. so sadly i missed out on hanging out with my awesome nieces and nephew, brother and sister-in-law and mom & dad. bah. the time will come again soon.

tomorrow is church! and then... dun dun dun.... the last ever LOST episode. its like 2.5 hours long or something. i can already tell you, and most of you will probably make fun of me, i will be incredibly sad at the end. i've invested a lot into the show by watching it for the past 6 years, i have a lot of memories watching it with my husband and friends. lots of inside jokes regarding the show and everything. it was just a lot of fun to watch and a lot of fun to pick at it and try to figure things out. i don't mind if there are a lot of loose ends at the end. i'm a huge LOST nerd, don't get me wrong. but the one thing that i LOVE about the show that most people can't stand, is that it always has you asking questions and speculating and conversing about it. who cares if answers don't get answered... its fun to watch and ask and think. even after its over, it will be fun to think and question about it. i love that you can infer your own ideas into the show and almost feel like your own director or even a detective.

i've started writing in yet another blog... yes i know... you're thinking. you already write 2. this one and the one to my babies. but this one is a devotional one i did for an entire year before. i've picked it back up to encourage myself and the women of my old church in california to have some conversation about the Lord and allow us to stay in touch and grow together even from a distance. :) so if you're interested in reading it:

notable women's corner

oh and before i wrap this blog up. i mentioned a second video that would be released on my new YouTube channel, GoChristinJoy. well here is the video!!! I hope you enjoy it!


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