quick update... sorry for being M.I.A

i know i've been missing in action. i'm trying to get this schedule thing under control. i'm doing a devotional blog for, really, anyone who wants to read. but it started out as a blog for the women of my old church. i really want the women of the body of Christ to grow and mature in their faith, to learn new and amazing things and submit their lives to the service of God. i want that for everyone, really, but since i'm a woman - its appropriate for me to speak to women rather than mixed company. however, i don't think it'd be bad if men read the blog and commented and such. i don't think its the same as leading a church service. hmm... need to ask bud. or maybe he'll just comment.

work was horrible last week, but this week is going much better! so glad its been uneventful, for the most part. leila is getting the "i'll cry so you pick me up" thing going on and her daddy thinks its cute. i, however, see it for what it is, spoiling and creating a bad habit. but if thats what they want to do, thats their own thing. i can't really judge them. different people do different things.

monster truck had her surgery a week ago tomorrow and she is almost completely healed. she still won't jump off the bed, but other than that, she's twirling and dancing and energetic as ever. that makes for a very happy mommy! hehe.

well - i guess thats all. i miss my friends and family back in california but i don't regret at all, moving back to the east coast. driving down the road with the windows down and smelling honeysuckle throughout my entire neighborhood and seeing lightning bugs (or fireflies to everyone but my family) is so wonderful. i love it. and i'm enjoying the humidity, even if my hair grows to be the size of a basketball and i sweat all day. haha. gotta get used to it anyway, hong kong is much more humid! hehe, and a lot more hot!

that is all for now. ZUMBA TOMORROW! huzzah! anyone who goes to the golds gym in crofton - head on out to zumba! 7:30 tomorrow night. fun times. ciao.

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