even rocky had a montage!

so the past few days have been interesting. i've been suffering from endo a lot lately. it not only made me miss a cycle for a month but now its back with a vengeance and i feel like i'm dying. but i'm not dying. well... technically speaking i am but really i'm not. i'm alive and well (in the grand scheme of things... it could always be worse!) and this week has been full of interesting shtuff.

sunday - missed church because i was feeling so poorly. sad!

my car stopped working. with deductive reasoning, we changed the battery. it now works. next week we'll take it to get the alternator checked and make sure that its keeping the battery charged. hopefully that was the only problem with the car. (other than the big dent in the side where the deer ran into my car!)

all week, bud's been taking me to work. i really prefer it when he takes me as i get to spend a short period of time with him in the morning. its actually quite special.

tuesday, we went to the gym. i met with a personal trainer! instead of writing about it - i thought of a clever thing to do. i'm making a vlog where i will vlog through the process of losing weight. check out the first video that segues into my new YouTube channel. didn't know i had a YouTube channel? get with the times. here are some links for you.

Original YouTube Page
New YouTube Page

here's a link to my new 'bideo'.  there will be another one later. bud is still editing it and fixing it up. you will NOT want to miss the one he's working on now... its INTENSE!!! :) :)

tomorrow i have work while bud takes monster truck to get spayed. i'm so nervous for her my poor little one. i know its worth it and best for her in the long run. then in the evening i'm going to the gym with my mom and we're going to ZUMBA! huzzah!  that is all for now. talk to you all later. sorry this is a bit of a cheesy update. but i don't want to forget about doing them. ciao.

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