today we went to carter-man's birthday party and that was a lot of fun. today was the first day i was able to play and get some real quality time with him! i didn't expect to get that because i know he would be busy with all the people there to see him. thank God it was such a special day for me! after the party bud and i came home and vegged around the house after taking monster for a walk. it was a really beautiful day. a little on the chilly side, but still gorgeous. i love walking down by the water, looking out at the bay. i need to do it more often and i need to make sure i do that during the summer.
bud and i went to whole foods today because i was craving their pre-made salmon sushi! its the only place i'll get pre-made sushi. oh and in hong kong, but thats a different story. while at the market, bud decided he wanted to look into vegan turkey. he had convinced himself that it was fake and didn't truly exist. so i found it and everything went downhill from there. he got all crazy about vegan food and bought meatless turkey slices and boca chickenless chicken patty's. he then preceded to say "i am now a vegan". but once he tasted it when he got home, i think he realized he loves real turkey and real chicken too much. not that it was bad, it just wasn't yeah... it just wasn't. theres not much more i can say about it. so needless to say, bud was a vegan for all of 1 hour. congratulations.
after eating sushi, i wrote in my other blog which i think i've linked already but i'll do it again. go to my other blog! its awesome. ***here*** i spent a long time looking for new templates for this blog and my other one. i am very pleased with how they turned out. i hope you enjoy them - let me know what you think.
so now i'm just hanging out listening to worship music and loving this blogging stuff. i forgot how much i really enjoy to write and let my artistic juices flow. once i start i love it, but then i get distracted. but i've been pretty good about updating daily! i really hope i keep it up.
God, babies, family and hong kong have been on my mind the most lately. let me briefly explain:
God - duh. He's usually on my mind. He deserves all my thoughts, all my praise, all my adoration and i pray that all Glory goes to Him. i pray that my life, my words and my actions are pleasing in His sight. but to be more specific with regards to my thoughts about Him - He truly is an amazing God. He has blessed me with an amazing husband and family, an amazing job, a great place to live, 2 great animals and has given me a peace about this whole having a baby thing. if you know me at all - having a baby is one of my most longed for desires of all time. and yes, sometimes i doubt but for the most part, since i've started writing letters to my future children (which is what my other blog is about), my heart has swelled with even more love for God and my children. peace doesn't mean that i'm necessarily ecstatic about something or happy all the time. but i know that i'm okay - i know that God is in control and thats all i should ever worry about. i pray that i cling to that peace.
babies - i basically explained this already. i want a baby as soon as God wants to give me one! my desire is for one soon, but i need to make sure that i don't put my desires above what God wills. but i also believe that He gives us desires or at least knows and hears our hearts desires. so i'm trusting in Him and looking forward to holding my dear ones.
family - seeing my brother and his wife and how close they are with her side of the family makes me wish i was that close to my family. i am pretty close to my parents. my mom's like my best friend next to my husband. (don't worry - my closest friends know who you are and i love you!!!) and i'm beginning to become closer to my brothers and their families, but i really want to spend time with them while i can. while i'm still in the states. i want to have special times with them, i want their kids to love me and know who i am and want to hang out with me. i want a close knit family. i think its super important because at the end of the day, your family is by your side when everyone else jets (at least for the most part. there are times where things get crazy, but you know what i mean). and my closest friends - i consider you family! so yay!
hong kong - i long to be there. i want to be there now. but if you read above, there are things that i'm working on now that are priority to my desire to be there. and obviously we can't go until my time is fulfilled with rhonda and bud is finished with school and landed a job out there. so really - we just need to be patient. but i really need to get on learning cantonese. i think i just don't try because i'm so intimidated by it and i feel like i'm a HORRIBLE student. i feel like i'm really bad at learning, like my brain just doesn't want to store information sometimes. but i need to just get over it and try it. i don't want to be one of those people who live there for years, raise kids there and not bother to learn the language. i think its a huge act of respect to the locals if you learn their language.
well - now that i've written an entire chapter to a book, i guess i'll end my long blog. sorry for the length. if you're still reading, you must truly love me!! yay!!!!! thanks for caring about what goes on in my life. please leave comments on here, it makes me smile and makes me truly happy to hear what you all think. till next time. agape.
bud and i went to whole foods today because i was craving their pre-made salmon sushi! its the only place i'll get pre-made sushi. oh and in hong kong, but thats a different story. while at the market, bud decided he wanted to look into vegan turkey. he had convinced himself that it was fake and didn't truly exist. so i found it and everything went downhill from there. he got all crazy about vegan food and bought meatless turkey slices and boca chickenless chicken patty's. he then preceded to say "i am now a vegan". but once he tasted it when he got home, i think he realized he loves real turkey and real chicken too much. not that it was bad, it just wasn't yeah... it just wasn't. theres not much more i can say about it. so needless to say, bud was a vegan for all of 1 hour. congratulations.
after eating sushi, i wrote in my other blog which i think i've linked already but i'll do it again. go to my other blog! its awesome. ***here*** i spent a long time looking for new templates for this blog and my other one. i am very pleased with how they turned out. i hope you enjoy them - let me know what you think.
so now i'm just hanging out listening to worship music and loving this blogging stuff. i forgot how much i really enjoy to write and let my artistic juices flow. once i start i love it, but then i get distracted. but i've been pretty good about updating daily! i really hope i keep it up.
God, babies, family and hong kong have been on my mind the most lately. let me briefly explain:
God - duh. He's usually on my mind. He deserves all my thoughts, all my praise, all my adoration and i pray that all Glory goes to Him. i pray that my life, my words and my actions are pleasing in His sight. but to be more specific with regards to my thoughts about Him - He truly is an amazing God. He has blessed me with an amazing husband and family, an amazing job, a great place to live, 2 great animals and has given me a peace about this whole having a baby thing. if you know me at all - having a baby is one of my most longed for desires of all time. and yes, sometimes i doubt but for the most part, since i've started writing letters to my future children (which is what my other blog is about), my heart has swelled with even more love for God and my children. peace doesn't mean that i'm necessarily ecstatic about something or happy all the time. but i know that i'm okay - i know that God is in control and thats all i should ever worry about. i pray that i cling to that peace.
babies - i basically explained this already. i want a baby as soon as God wants to give me one! my desire is for one soon, but i need to make sure that i don't put my desires above what God wills. but i also believe that He gives us desires or at least knows and hears our hearts desires. so i'm trusting in Him and looking forward to holding my dear ones.
family - seeing my brother and his wife and how close they are with her side of the family makes me wish i was that close to my family. i am pretty close to my parents. my mom's like my best friend next to my husband. (don't worry - my closest friends know who you are and i love you!!!) and i'm beginning to become closer to my brothers and their families, but i really want to spend time with them while i can. while i'm still in the states. i want to have special times with them, i want their kids to love me and know who i am and want to hang out with me. i want a close knit family. i think its super important because at the end of the day, your family is by your side when everyone else jets (at least for the most part. there are times where things get crazy, but you know what i mean). and my closest friends - i consider you family! so yay!
hong kong - i long to be there. i want to be there now. but if you read above, there are things that i'm working on now that are priority to my desire to be there. and obviously we can't go until my time is fulfilled with rhonda and bud is finished with school and landed a job out there. so really - we just need to be patient. but i really need to get on learning cantonese. i think i just don't try because i'm so intimidated by it and i feel like i'm a HORRIBLE student. i feel like i'm really bad at learning, like my brain just doesn't want to store information sometimes. but i need to just get over it and try it. i don't want to be one of those people who live there for years, raise kids there and not bother to learn the language. i think its a huge act of respect to the locals if you learn their language.
well - now that i've written an entire chapter to a book, i guess i'll end my long blog. sorry for the length. if you're still reading, you must truly love me!! yay!!!!! thanks for caring about what goes on in my life. please leave comments on here, it makes me smile and makes me truly happy to hear what you all think. till next time. agape.
the first part of this blog is slightly misleading. let the record state that i in no way wanted to actually become a vegan. i was merely fascinated by the concept of it and decided to find out if i could potentially do it if i did want to.
there are several reasons why i won't and i wanted taste to not be a reason but sadly i can see that it is... unless i want to eat a very limited amount of things for the rest of my life. ;-P
the rest of this blog is great and wonderful and my wife is wonderful and you should leave her comments that tell her how wonderful she is if you read this, because it makes her feel awesome.