starting to feel better!

so i just realized its 10:24pm and i need to get to bed. i still haven't showered or brushed my teeth. dangit. oh well. but i know how you missed me so much yesterday. my bad.

today i went to work and actually didn't feel like dying due to this horrific sinus infection/bronchitis. yeah, did i mention i went to a clinic and got looked at. i have what i just told you i have. its been miserable and i have literally came home from work, took medicine and laid on the couch every day this week. but now that the antibiotics have had time to start working, i'm starting to feel better. my lungs are slightly less full of sludge and my nose isn't so stuffed up that i can actually sort of smell things and taste my food. hooray! the babies were a handful today - but still ridiculously cute. but let me post what i posted on my facebook status, just for further clarification on the topic of "babies are innocent angels". my status said: "Christin Joy Newman believes whole heartedly that children are a gift from God. But don't let that full you. They are not little angels, they are little monsters of iniquity!! Ailia and Leila had a fight. Leila was trying to crawl and I was cheering her on. Ailia gets jealous and rolled over to get attention. I said good job! Then went back to cheering Leila on. So Ailia squeals, rolls over to Leila and pulls her hair and bit her. I swiftly pulled them apart and held Leila who had tears the size of walnuts running down her face. I picked up Ailia and told her NO and sat her on her bottom. Then Ailia decided to throw a fit for 20 minutes. Oh the Drama!!!" so let me say it again - children are a blessing, but don't be fooled with their trickery. they are sinners just like the rest of us with an upper hand of manipulation, if you let them have it that is.

babies. they are swarming around me and the thought of having children is always on my mind. what a great thought. the past week i've been writing letters to and praying for my future children. i actually decided to make it a blog which you can find here. feel free to let me know what you think, but be nice because i fully intend on showing this to my children one day. probably on their wedding day or on my death bed. i'm not sure which. who knows if they will even read it all (i tried writing a letter to my husband everyday for the entire first year we were married and i don't think he has read them all - to this day. but thats okay - i forgive him). anyway - if you can pray for God's guidance and will with regards to babies in mine and bud's near future, that'd be great. theres a lot of things that hang in the balance for that (mainly my health). we'll see what happens and i pray that no matter what, i will give God all the glory that He deserves and that, again, whatever happens, that i'll trust in His decisions. man thats some heavy prayers to pray because that will be one of the most difficult things for me to deal with - if God says, nope, sorry you're not going to have children naturally. let me clarify as well - the blog i'm writing - its to my natural children and any children bud and i hope/decide to adopt. yep.

monster truck needs a bath.

well - it is now 10:36pm and i should get to bed. was there anything else i was going to say? oh, my husband and i have been reading through the bible together and although some of it is really hard to get through (because to me its about as exciting as a blank screen), its been such a great time. reading through and spending time with the Lord and with each other has strengthened our marriage. i can honestly say i love my husband more now than i ever have in the nearly 8 years we've been together. its amazing that the more i grow spiritually with my husband, the more my heart grows and i dive deeper and deeper into the love that i have for him, the love that my God gave me to give him. i just hope and pray that i do an adequate job at showing him. because i know that i can be - in the words of harry potter - "a right foul git" when i'm unhappy or i'm sick or what have you. hopefully he forgives me before i even get a chance to apologize, but you know something. i think he does. well that is all for now. my bed is calling my name yet again and i can't deny it my presence any longer. oh and if you had noticed, i was ending my blogs saying goodbye in different languages. i'm kind of over that - so don't expect it anymore, if you even were. i don't think anyone even reads this anyway. so yeah - okay. goodnight. agape.

Comments (1)

Hey girl I read your blog of the letters you wrote to your future children! I love it and you know I can relate to what your going though in that matter. Chris and I are praying for you guy's to be come parents... what ever the Lord wants you to either have them yourself or by adoption tee hee. I know you guy's will make AWESOME parents! =) I hope you feel better sweetie and I do enjoy reading your blogs! Keep it up!!!
Heather Misch