oversized chocolate bunny.

well - thanks to the incessant partying that went on until 4am, bud and i didn't make it to church this morning due to being exhausted. and might i add, we didn't even attend the party. i'm not one to complain about loudness and partying and the like, but when its going on till 4am and the smoke alarm goes off for what seemed like 5 minutes at 2am in the morning - thats a bit much for me. but i'm glad they had a good time it seems and bud and i were able to watch my church on television. they record the 9:15am service and air it on one of the local stations. it was a sermon i had already heard, while bud was still in california - but regardless, it was church and it was good to hear the message. it was about death. 

so we went out for lunch and i was in a mixed emotion mood so instead of roaming around the mall while waiting for a movie to go see, we opted to go home. came home and i watched some harry potter (theres a marathon on television this weekend) and relaxed. then i decided i'd go to kmart and get bud a gigantic chocolate bunny. you know, the ones that only come out during easter time. while i was there, i thought i'd check out some clearance racks. never hurts to check, sometimes you come across awesome deals that way. instead what i came across was a woman who was yelling at someone over the phone. now, normally i just ignore things like that because its none of my business but this time i couldn't help myself. as she got off the phone, she was visibly upset and while on the phone she ignored her little girl that was sitting in the shopping cart. i guess the little girl got bored and decided to get into something that she probably shouldn't have. but instead of just telling the little girl that she did something wrong, she cussed the little girl out and preceded to smack her 4 or 5 times in the side of the head, yanked her out of the cart and put her on the ground where the little girl cried for a good 5 minutes. the lady then proceeded to text frantically on her cell phone, to the point where she was nearly obliviously to everything going on around her.

i am of the frame of mine that if you see something like that happen and you don't say anything - its just as bad as doing it yourself. so i politely went up to the woman and butted in on her obviously crappy evening. this was our conversation:

me: excuse ma'am, i just noticed that you seem really upset and i'm sorry. but i just wanted to encourage you to not take it out on your kid.
lady: well excuse me but you don't know what the *&@# you're talking about and you need to mind your own g**damn business.
me: i know you don't smack your children when you're already upset from something else. if she did something, deal with it when you've calmed down - don't take your frustration out on her.
lady: well @#$* you. you don't know what i'm going through.
me: i'm sorry you're upset, but don't take it out on your kid. you can talk to someone, smoke a cigarette, have a cup of coffee, take a hot shower - but don't take it out on your kid.

then we both walked in separate directions. i went to my mom's house to visit for a few minutes after that and cooled off a bit. they gave me a crock pot cookbook! hooray! now i know how to make a bunch of things in the crock pot. joni will be so proud. speaking of joni - she's amazing and wrote a children's book that is being published. once its released, i will post on here where you can buy 26520 copies for yourself and anyone else. its about the green bean queen. you'll want to read it!

anyway - this ridiculous cold is still hanging on and i don't want to visit the doctor. but hopefully soon, my title will come in for my car (thanks for taking your sweet time california DMV) - i can finally register my car in maryland and claim residency! then i can attempt to get some sort of government funded health insurance. it would be awesome if i could go see my old doctor with the program i'm looking at. it would be nice to deal with someone i've already dealt with in the past. she knows all about me and to this day, asks my mom about me when my mom goes in for checkups and such. its not everyday you get a doctor who actually remembers you, cares about you, gives you a hug and spends more than 3 minutes in the room with you! so if you think about it, pray that i get accepted to the REACH program and that it allows me to go to my previous doctor. hooray for DR. JETT!

well - now my husband went and made me self-conscious about how much i'm writing so i guess i'll end this entry for today. i don't want to bore you anyway - however i doubt anyone reads this anyway. just my husband and maybe joni! well i guess until next time. adieu. au'revoir. adios. arrivederci.

Comments (5)

for those interested, the bunny was/is delicious. its ears didn't stand a chance. tomorrow: the head!

loving you, baby.

Love your blogs!!! I can't believe how horrible and mean that woman was at the store! I think it was good of you to point out what she was doing was wrong. Once she calmed down (if she is a good mother) I am sure she reflected on what you said and responded changed her ways.

-Chris Misch

I'm so proud of you for going up to that low life of a woman! That poor little girl... that really breaks my heart. =( I will be praying for her safety. Man sorry you guy's didn't get much sleep last night! Wow till four in the morning! I remember Chris and I had to deal with that with our next door neighbor when we lived in our condo. Do you know them very well? Thats awesome about your friend Joni writing a book! I'm looking forward to reading it! =) Oh by way... I'm now craving a big chocolate bunny lol! I miss and love you girlie and I'm so glad you and Bud are writting blogs! For some weird reason it won't let me post on Buds blog Grrrr! LOL hopefully it lets me on yours. Love Heather Misch =)

I read it!!! We must hang out soon.

Crock pot...you KNOW I am proud! I read that and thought "YAY", then I saw that you knew I would be proud, which was amazing that you would just know that. That's why we're friends. It's the crock pot love. Oh, and I am proud of you for saying something to that lady. If that had been in CA, they would have plastered that all over the news and hunted her down. Too bad it wouldn't have been acceptable to just kick her in the leg. At least the little one probably felt like someone stood up for her. =(

Thanks for the book promoting! hehe That does it, signed copy for you! (as if that wasn't already going to happen!)

Also,I think it's funny that you wait for the giant chocolate bunny! I used to wait for those Midnight Milkyway bars at Halloween. Now they just make them all the time. There is hope for you! One day, you will be able to buy giant chocolate bunnies all year round!! They will even have a store where you can buy giant chocolate bunnies...and giant chocolate Pigeon's, too!!!! WooHoo!