untold stories of the e.r.

i love this show... the acting is always awful but the stories are so unreal and intense. i'm going to bed soon so this won't be long. work was super fun... again. :) i'm getting spoiled by the joy that these two little boys bring me. i love it when carter just comes up to me and says "i love you so much, aunt christin". its the best feeling in the world! oh the joys of family and all that it entails!

i'm really tired so i think i'm going to go to bed early. stopped off at the mall to talk to bud for a bit. i wasn't going to but it had been raining a little and people were driving like jerks, so i thought it best to get off the road for a bit. i think that was a good decision as i heard sirens blaring as i walked into the mall. he made me a delicious oreo shake... amazing!

tomorrow will be a busy day. we have a class with our friends ken and debbie. and we always talk and discuss and talk and discuss way too long. i'm going to have to try and remember to keep it short as i don't want to go to bed too late. thankfully we are so close to their house now, if we left their house at 9:15 we would be home by 9:18! heck yes! hehe.

i'm done my tests for my history class, now i just have one more essay for the last module. then i will weigh in on discussion board conversation and hopefully get a paper written up in the next few weeks. this weekend will be stressful in regards to homework as i have to write a couple essay papers for english. oh speaking of my english class... i got a 92.5% on my illegal immigration research project! my teacher said that she really enjoyed my paper, that it was well written and after a few emails back and forth between the two of us, she feels that i could tutor another student in the way of research paper and citation and that students like me make her remember why she loves teaching. :) that felt really really good. hopefully i can keep up the good work.

saturday i will have to do a lot of homework. but i also have my nephew carters birthday party! i'll have to make an appearance but won't be able to stay too long. i also have to get my dress on sunday for katie's wedding! so its just weekend after weekend i have SO much to do. i also need to write up a speech for the wedding as well. i'm the matron of honor! :) i don't do speeches well but hopefully i can write something that is loving and meaningful. something that will make her happy and bless her.

man - bud and i were looking at our schedule for the month of april... it hasn't even started and we already have SO much to do. between the wedding, rehearsal dinner, me getting my dress (and maybe having the need to get it fitted... eek), doctor's appointments, work, school (coming to close... just a few more weeks left), our anniversary, carter's birthday party, oh man. next weekend (not this one... next one) will be like my only weekend OFF! wow. oh well... at least most if not all of it is good and worth it and going to be fun. :) yep yep yep. i guess that is all. i'm going to bed. goodnight!

here are a few random photo from my pics on my comp-tar!


i was so young!



Comments (1)

The next month is going to be Super busy for us too!! What's the deal with April??? Jeez....