three things tuesday.

i remembered today! today is three things tuesday and i want to tell you three things that i love! lets start with:

i love rocky!
rocky 1 & 2 show a lot of the growth between rocky and adrian! love it.

rocky fights mr. t... i mean clubber lang! - rocky 3.

rocky fights ivan drago from russia! - rocky 4.
there are 2 more but i only post 3 pictures for each topic... if you've never seen rocky... you're missing out.

i love my future children!
"a person's a person, no matter how small" - dr. seuss - one day i hope to carry a child to term. to create a life with my beloved husband.

i love my little ones... i think of them every day.

i hope to adopt a child too on top of carrying, but if my only option is adoption... whoever God blesses me with, i will love them as if they were my own blood.

i love harry potter! (books and movies!)
the books (i have not finished reading them all... i don't want to read the last one until i see the movie, just because i want to be surprised on the big screen) are a great read! j.k. rowling wins!

they are a cute bunch! i would love to hang out with them, especially rupert grint. he's so cute!

i solemnly swear that i am up to no good... mischief managed.

and there you have it folks! my three things for the day! hope you enjoyed and will come back next week. well... come back tomorrow for a blog but come back for three things tuesday as well. i'm tired. its later than i wanted it to be... i wanted to be in bed by 10. eh... 12 minutes late... not too bad. as long as i'm in bed by 10:30! goodnight!

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