i just finished reading the book "Green Leaf In Drought" by Isobel Kuhn. this book is about the provisions the Lord makes for His children that are following His guidance. the family of arthur and wilda matthews along with their little girl lilah went through SO much. they literally had nothing yet remained faithful to the Lord and His calling on their life. when times got rough, and when they had black days, God provided scripture and physical things to meet their daily needs. its so great to see the hand of God at work. this is a passage from the very last page of the book. read it, it so applies to the life of today's christians! mind you this book was originally published in 1958!
"Andrew Murray has warned us how easy it is for the cares of this life to choke the Seed. He says: ''The power of the world, the spirit of its literature, the temptations of business and pleasure, all unite to make up a religion in which it is sought to combine a comfortable hope for the future with the least possible amount of sacrifice in the present.' That describes the home church today. But who knows when the drought is going to strike us also? Is it possible for any Christian to put forth green leaves when all he enjoys in this life is drying up around him?
We feel this question and its answer are worth sharing with you, hence this book.
"Andrew Murray has warned us how easy it is for the cares of this life to choke the Seed. He says: ''The power of the world, the spirit of its literature, the temptations of business and pleasure, all unite to make up a religion in which it is sought to combine a comfortable hope for the future with the least possible amount of sacrifice in the present.' That describes the home church today. But who knows when the drought is going to strike us also? Is it possible for any Christian to put forth green leaves when all he enjoys in this life is drying up around him?
We feel this question and its answer are worth sharing with you, hence this book.
'I will pour water on him that is thirsty,
I will pour floods upon the dry ground.
Open your heart to the gift I am bringing.
While ye are seeking, I will be found.'
The Holiest of All"
I will pour floods upon the dry ground.
Open your heart to the gift I am bringing.
While ye are seeking, I will be found.'
i hope you enjoyed this little blurb. just thought i'd encourage you all to find this book and read it, also to encourage my brothers and sisters of the faith that "God does not waste suffering, The tests He sends or permits are in reality His vote of confidence, for He undertakes not to allow us to suffer any testing beyond our powers of endurance." - J. Oswald Sanders. God provides for His children and we can have confidence in the fact that whatever storms we go through, if we stand in awe of His presence, stand steadfast on His word and glory in the Spirit, God gives peace, understanding and undying, unwavering, unfathomable love to those He calls. its lives like the one of Job that fully understand what God "can be to those who gladly embrace His will and accept His discipline, no matter how inscrutable." even now i'm getting goosebumps thinking of the love that i receive from my Heavenly Father. i can have hope that even if i'm stuck and unable to say anything to those around me, if i obey spiritual disciplines, am able to show love, remain faithful in my prayers, sing praises to the King and listening intently to the voice of the Holy Spirit - He is faithful to show Himself to those who witness such happenings. amen. agape.
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