inspiration has surfaced.

while life has had its confusion and frustration quite a bit in the past months, the inspiration of hope's refuge has returned. but its returned with a bigger focus on not a specific country but of where to start it. women and children in need of shelter, food & water, a place to call home - its all a little clearer, although its still so far away. a scenario playing over in my head for a client of Hope's Refuge is repeating itself over and over again. i am weary to call it a dream or a vision from the Lord, it could just be that i'm desiring such greatness from the Lord that maybe i am coming up with scenarios.

the story would go like this: a young pregnant woman, maybe in her early 20's, barely over the age of 19, walks through the doors of Hope's Refuge. she has a blank expression on her face, but you can see it in her eyes that something vexes her. she asks to speak to a counselor, someone who can help her make sense of some things she's going through. she sits down. only, she doesn't sit down with just any person, she sits down with me. she sits down and after an introduction of who i am and who she is, she looks at me and tells me that she is pregnant. her boyfriend has left her, her parents have told her that she cannot give birth to a child with no father. she is feeling pressure from from day to day situations. she's so confused as to what is going on. this is when i am able to explain to her the joy and love and grace that the Lord has for her and for her baby. that she is beautiful in the eyes of Jesus and i tell her of the sacrifice He made, for this very moment in her life. i explain that He died so that we might live. He rose from the dead so that we may too rise from the dead and go be with Him in glory. then i move onto to tell her that she is blessed for having given her baby a second chance, by walking through the doors of Hope's Refuge. then explaining why a decision to honor the life of her unborn baby rather than to abort it would benefit her, and i would explain of the horrors of abortion.

letting her read the mission of Hope's Refuge, i then tell her that she is able to stay at Hope's Refuge for the entirety of her pregnancy, that she would have the right to keep her child after the birth or that she also has the right to leave him/her there with us, for a chance of adoption. i'd also explain that she will learn the important things she needs to know to help her live as a single mom in today's society, in her culture and in her personal situation, while staying with Hope's Refuge. i'd offer some counsel for the pain she is feeling without family and a boyfriend to back her up and let her know that where she is, she is part of a family that respects her decision and will help however possible. after the initial interview with said girl, i don't know what happens after that. but i know that she had a wall broken down for her, that she stays at Hope's Refuge, learns how to be a viable part of her childs life, apart of her society's life, as a part of God's family.

the faces of women and children all over the world flash in my mind sometimes. just walking down the streets of Hong Kong, seeing pictures of women and children in africa, just reading articles about these very issues - makes my heart aches. knowing of the children soldiers, the abandoned children, the children with special needs, knowing of women who were raped, women who were hurt physically, women who were abandoned by family and friends - knowing of the abortion rates and statistics... its just so much to take in. sometimes it makes it hard to breathe. even now it seems like what i want to do is such a huge thing that i am going to fail. but i have so many people interested, so many people looking to see this happen - i guess i can't fail. because where i am the weakest, the Lord will send people who are strong. and where i am strong, i will help with those that are weak. and with the team/family effort put forth by the Lord and His children - i know that this is going to work out. i just need to do what i feel is necessary and i need to make the assertions that are necessary. oh Lord, give me the grace and the understanding of all of this. give me my first step. show me what to do. please make the conference be available with whatever job i have when i get back to america and please let that time, help me with how i'm going to respond/move forward. amen. agape.

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