life is absolutely insane at the moment. well, let me rephrase that. life has been absolutely insane as of late. yes. HOPEFULLY things are on the mend and calming down. i had an awful doctor's appointment last week at the gynecologist and there was a lot of crap going on at work. and i just realized as i was typing all this that i'm really not inspired to write in my blog. huh. well... sorry. this is all you get. except that i'm hoping things will be at the point where they can be calm for a while. thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK! and then 2 weeks after that, i'll be moving to davidsonville. :) i'm very excited about moving and such. sorry - i was going to write a really good blog but then all of a sudden i realized... i am SO not inspired right now. OHOHOHOH! go buy josh grobans new cd. its called illuminations. its wonderfully fantastic. i think he is really stretching and growing in his career and i love going along for the ride as one of his fans! definitely recommend it. its genius. oh and umm... HARRY POTTER TOMORROW AT MIDNIGHT! who's going?? yeah thats right... THIS GIRL! awesome. k. i think that i am going to start hitting the gym again... soon i'll be so close to the gym it will be a lot more tempting to go! huzzah. okay... NOW I'M REALLY DONE! kthxbai. ;-P this blog is full of fail. i apologize. ciao.