what is our nation coming to. we complain, we whine, we despair over the economy. yes, i realize its difficult to live when we're heading for recession, i understand fully the difficulty of finding a job and the ramifications it brings. and i will not turn a blind eye to the thousands, nay millions of people who are being affected by the economical crisis. but does this cause us to slump on the crying out of those around us? are we so shut down because of our own inconveniences that we don't care enough to find the different areas where people are struggling and help? we as a people have failed, and as a Christian - we have failed even more on so many levels. we're watching young people throw their lives away without even blinking an eye because we're focused on self, rather than our neighbor. how out of touch can we be? if our neighbor is suffering, its our job to help them out.
how out of touch can parents and teachers be, that a teenager feels they have no way out of their struggles and resort to substance abuse or suicide? i am not saying that in every case of suicide, the child's parent is to blame - because kids can be really good at putting up a front. i was! i read an article last night where i do not blame the parents for what happened, more so, i blame the schooling. i find a huge fault in a school when they say they have a "zero tolerance policy against bullying" yet they have allowed it to get to the point where a student shoots himself, because the pain is just too much. i know it can be hard when you have 40 students to a classroom, when schools are overpopulated - i do. but the schools should be teaching and growing their students into mature young adults, so that bullying is no longer a factor because its not cool to do anymore. all of the staff should be made aware of what bullying is and how to handle it.
bah. i don't want to sound arrogant. i just wish that the church would come together and reach out to those in need. if your neighbor is going through a foreclosure, although its a touchy subject - maybe see if there is something you can do to help. offer food, babysitting, an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. if your neighbor goes through a death or something else - be there for them. pray for your neighbors, tell them about the God that you serve, become relational, touch someones life so that they may have a softened heart towards the things of God. i remember when i was little - i was close enough with my neighbors that i could go across the street and borrow eggs or butter if i needed it for something. then i'd share whatever it was that i was baking with them! or i could run through their back yard and instead of getting yelled at for "trespassing", i'd get yelled at to come over to get some apples and peanut butter or cinnamon toast! the world is not innocent, i realize. but it did used to be a lot kinder, in my opinion. there aren't many neighborhoods anymore that i feel you can let your kids hang out outside till late and still feel safe letting them do so. *sigh* i'm done. just had to vent.
how out of touch can parents and teachers be, that a teenager feels they have no way out of their struggles and resort to substance abuse or suicide? i am not saying that in every case of suicide, the child's parent is to blame - because kids can be really good at putting up a front. i was! i read an article last night where i do not blame the parents for what happened, more so, i blame the schooling. i find a huge fault in a school when they say they have a "zero tolerance policy against bullying" yet they have allowed it to get to the point where a student shoots himself, because the pain is just too much. i know it can be hard when you have 40 students to a classroom, when schools are overpopulated - i do. but the schools should be teaching and growing their students into mature young adults, so that bullying is no longer a factor because its not cool to do anymore. all of the staff should be made aware of what bullying is and how to handle it.
bah. i don't want to sound arrogant. i just wish that the church would come together and reach out to those in need. if your neighbor is going through a foreclosure, although its a touchy subject - maybe see if there is something you can do to help. offer food, babysitting, an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. if your neighbor goes through a death or something else - be there for them. pray for your neighbors, tell them about the God that you serve, become relational, touch someones life so that they may have a softened heart towards the things of God. i remember when i was little - i was close enough with my neighbors that i could go across the street and borrow eggs or butter if i needed it for something. then i'd share whatever it was that i was baking with them! or i could run through their back yard and instead of getting yelled at for "trespassing", i'd get yelled at to come over to get some apples and peanut butter or cinnamon toast! the world is not innocent, i realize. but it did used to be a lot kinder, in my opinion. there aren't many neighborhoods anymore that i feel you can let your kids hang out outside till late and still feel safe letting them do so. *sigh* i'm done. just had to vent.